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Beaufort Lake Caravan Park was a convenient  first night stop enroute to Geelong ferry terminal. $20 for an unpowered site and a couple of kms of walking track around the lake .Pulling out of Corio Bay heading across Port Phillip, leaving the YouYangs on the horizon.Melbourne skyline on the northern horizon.Passing through Port Phillip headsCampsite at CorinnaDownstream, Pieman River from CorinnaThe “Fatman” barge crossing the PiemanAlong the boardwalk at CorinnaTasmanian laurel flowering at CorinnaTasmanian pademelon at our campsite, yes he nicked an apple core,  I know I know, lock up your scraps ( or perhaps your partners!)White-bellied sea-eagle over the Pieman riverAboard the Arcadia2, a 4 hour cruise to Pieman heads and backPieman headsPieman heads on the wild Tarkine coast, amazing amount of timber washed up on the beach over the years from fallen trees brought down to the coast by the riverthe several times I've visited this coastline over the years its always been blowing a gale !its beautiful though, in a grey, threatening sort of way...on the way back, approaching "the narrows"sights around Corinna (and next 2) These holes made by Tasmania's Burrowing crayfish.