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AND, there's a short video of some bits of the track HERE (for some reason I couldn't upload it to my website so its on Youtube instead.)
The first 12 photos are from the Gawler Ranges, the rest are from along Goog's Track. The track was made by local, "Goog" Denton in the early '70's, and crosses about 370 sand dune ridges in its 170 km length. Deflated tyres and speeds of 40km per hour and below are required.
There's a really nice campground at Goog's Lake and another at Mt Finke.
Splendid fairy-wrenSplendid fairy-wrenYellow-footed rock-wallabyYellow-footed rock-wallabyYellow-footed rock-wallabyYandinga campground, Gawler RangesEuroEmusEmus, Gawler RangesStart of Googs Trackthe dog fence